Apr 12Liked by Christine Sine

You captured it so beautifully! THANK YOU!!

I got to be in Hot Springs, Arkansas in the path of totality with my mom and it was spectacular.

This is what I wrote after the event:

Today was magical in every way possible with the eclipse, and words or pictures cannot describe the wonder of it all. In my Monday morning meeting, we read Psalm 19:1 that was so perfect for the day: "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." When the moon passed between the earth and the sun around 1:50 pm Central Time in Hot Springs, I was so surprised by what I saw as a bright ring appeared, and it moved me to tears. I read about this phenomenon later this afternoon: "In the final seconds before the moon completely covers the Sun, there is a last bright flash, combined with an emerging view of the corona—the Sun's upper atmosphere—encircling the moon. This produces a spectacular effect called the diamond ring." (https://www.exploratorium.edu/eclipse/what-to-see-during-eclipse)

This is from Ted Loder from his wonderful book Guerillas of Grace and it also helps to put words to what we experienced.

"Listen to my blinking eyes,

for at certain moments

when sunlight strikes just right,

or stars pierce the darkness just enough,

or clouds roll around just so,

or snow kisses the world into quietness,

everything is suddenly transparent…

and something in me is pure enough

for an instant

to see your kingdom in a glance,

and so to praise you in a gasp —


then gone,

but it is enough."

-Ted Loder, Guerillas of Grace

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Thank you Emily for your beautiful comment and for your sharing of another beautiful response to the eclipse.

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Oops I just noticed I missed an auto correct rewinder should be rewonder

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